New Free Movie Making Animation Software–Interesting

Sarah Palin is a lightning rod of media attention. Her endurance in mass media has been amazing. When I came across this cool new movie making animation software program by Xtranormal called Text to Movie and her pre-animated avatar, I couldn’t resist using her image to help push my book on Larry King.

How to Get an Agent Part 2

In this article, we will take a look at how actors, models, directors, singers and musicians can find an agent to represent them to Hollywood or New York.

How to Get an Agent Pt. 1

The usual route to finding a talent agent involves sending out headshots or reels (if you are an actor or model) or query letters and screenplays (if you are a writer) or query letters and reels (if you are a director or producer) or CDs (if you are a musician).

I Wish I’d Written Twilight!

I want to write something that big so bad. I want to have teens and their parents and grown people who should know better camped outside the theater talking about which is their favorite character.

What to Expect at Film Festivals

I have to admit that my initial answer to this question was less than favorable. I’ve attended about 20 film festivals in my life—only four of them intentionally.

Q&A: “Will Hollywood Reject Me for my Political Views?”

I received a question on my blog from a filmmaker and reader of my book. I’d like to answer his question in this post. For those who don’t know, in my book, I refer to the things I Wish I Knew before I moved to Hollywood as “WIKs”. The question is as follows: Mr. Locke, […]

Directors and Film Producers–Moving to Hollywood Special Vlog

This is the fifth and last of a series of articles about relocating to Hollywood or New York to follow dreams in the entertainment industry. Here’s my first (and perhaps only) Vlog. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think and please check out the other blogs on this site. Can you […]

Do I Need to Move to Hollywood?

My goal is to save you a lot of pain and time by helping to you to be sure that, if you do come to Hollywood or New York, you’ll be ready and you’ll know more of what to expect. Please bookmark, subscribe to the RSS feed above, or share on your networks to let others know about this series.

Sequels, Prequels and Now in 3D!

“Does that say Toy Story 2?” my daughter asked me as we passed a bus stop sign here in Burbank today. “Yeah.” “Oh, it’s in 3D… They already did Toy Story 2, but they’re just putting it back in theaters in 3D?” “Yeah, that’s how they do it here.” I responded. “They resell the same […]