Lessons from DVD Extras–Getting Past the Cut

One of the great places to learn lessons about Hollywood is the commentary section of DVDs. It’s amazing the insights you can gain from filmmakers talking quite innocently about the process of getting the movie made.

American Idol—Hollywood in Microcosm

While I was watching American Idol last week, it suddenly hit me—so much of what we see happening on that show serves as a perfect metaphor for Hollywood.

How to Get an Agent Part 2

In this article, we will take a look at how actors, models, directors, singers and musicians can find an agent to represent them to Hollywood or New York.

How to Get an Agent Pt. 1

The usual route to finding a talent agent involves sending out headshots or reels (if you are an actor or model) or query letters and screenplays (if you are a writer) or query letters and reels (if you are a director or producer) or CDs (if you are a musician).

I’m a Writer– Should I Move to New York or Hollywood?

In my opinion, the only people who should really be asking themselves this question are writers who’ve had some success with their craft. By “success” I mean that you’ve won awards for your screenplays or teleplays, you’ve gotten some type of representation, you’ve been optioned, you’ve produced your own plays or movies and have built an audience or you’ve placed in a film festival or writing competition.